Divided and subtracted
from a single cell.
Split from the whole
now in a hole,
where I don’t know
who, or what I am.
This, that, everything, and
all in between.
Am I you, me, or us,
or nothing
but a dream?
Or is it just a nightmare,
playing havoc with my mind?
Dividing me
from myself, and
all of humankind?
Divided and subtracted
a bloody living hell
Searching for broken pieces
to make whole the
single cell.
All of these distortions,
claiming to be me.
Fracturing my
nervous system,
Help, I cannot breathe!
Dying, am I dying?
This search is killing me.
Bring me back
to the whole
I long to Be me!
Lost in the abyss,
of velveteen darkness, and
Oh, this confusion,
my mind is going spare!
All these crazy images,
thoughts, stories, and ideas,
of who, what,
I should, or could be,
but none of these
are real.
Only images planted,
in a live and constant stream,
of distortion, and
coercion by the
one which is Unseen.
It multiplies, and multiplies,
to be the dominant one.
Forcing me out of my body
until its work is done!
Secretly, it creeps upon me
while I’m in the mare,
taking hold of my reality
It really doesn’t care.
Dividing and subtracting,
from the truth
of me
Forcing me to
play Its game,
somewhat ruthlessly.
While it’s piling
on the pressure
And life becomes a
Living hell,
A beam of Light shines
brightly, just before I yell.
Its softness and warmth
reminds me,
of the single cell.
The one that's whole,
pure and love,
the one that holds me well.
With all my might,
I hold it tight
keeping a grip, on my light.
I anchor it into my being,
from morning
and through the night.
I practice grounding every day,
and this action serves me well.
It opens up a deeper love
with the single cell.
The part of me
that is of the whole,
no longer stuck or broken.
I softly start to breathe again
my lungs, wide and open.
Dividing and subtracting,
the parts which no longer serve.
Always choosing what stays and goes,
Be still, and observe.
In the quietness of my precious light,
I build up my reserves.
Strengthening my bond
With love,
A love I do
Divided and subtracted,
no longer separate, or torn.
Through a mighty will,
and holding still,
I am now
By Kamaljit