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Dare I dream? Is Your #MentalHealth suppressing your dreams?

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

We live in a time of great change. We are changing what we eat. We are changing how we treat animals. We are changing how we live our lives. We are changing how we care for our Earth. We are changing how we communicate with others. We are changing how we communicate with ourselves. We are changing how we want to be governed.

With all these changes, some are drawing back in fear of political transitions and hoping to survive through the process. Making ends meet is a necessity for some and as many people go about their way to make these happen, do they dare to dream?

Not sleep dreaming. Even though that is important too.

I mean dreaming a new reality.

Dreaming of a life to create and live. Dreaming of new possibilities. Dreaming of new a future which is more joyful, unified, peaceful and effortless. Dreaming of following your passion and that becoming your purpose/work, rather than any old job to bring the money in. Dreaming of great relationships and doing what makes your heart sing.

Young people have such high demands on them to get it right and follow the process, that they are finding it challenging to dream, let alone dream big. The stress of everyday life; demands at school, college, university; social media pressures; financial pressures; allow little space to ‘dream big’ and create what they want.

Their dream job maybe out of reach as they need 10 GCSE’s, Straight A’s or a First to get through and the educational system is not supporting them individually.

I know this feeling.

When I was 16, I was invited to the school careers advisor to speak to him of my dream job. I wanted to be a writer/journalist. I was full of joy and enthusiasm for my meeting and could see myself reporting on many different news topics and writing stories and articles. The office was cold and grey and unfortunately, so was the careers advisor. He asked for my GCSE results and said I couldn’t possibly be a journalist as I didn’t get the grades I needed to get to College. He also said I wouldn’t make a lot of money by writing either.

Unbeknownst to him, that meeting squashed every dream within my heart of being a writer/journalist and I lost the desire to pursue it. I took his word for it and I lost my dream. I didn’t apply for college and didn’t have the support to retake my GCSE’s.

Now what, I thought?

I went on the hunt for a job and applied for many different jobs from being an air hostess (as I wanted to travel the world) and an aviation assistant. Thursday evening, was when the jobs were published in the paper and I wrote letter after letter. After many rejections, I finally landed a place on a youth training scheme (now called Apprenticeship), working for an oil company.

The job (which was 4 days a week and a BTec day release for college) included work experience in different departments, from reception, post room to the PR office. The PR office was my favourite. I was involved in writing letters to many fundraisers, organising press releases, attending and organising events and having a wonderful time. I threw myself in to the role and some days, I would dictate 20 letters, much to angst of the secretarial pool.

I felt alive and well. I loved to communicate. I was paid £48 per week.

Half way through the apprenticeship, I was invited to take on a full-time role as a receptionist with the oil company and I was paid £7,500, pa, a great salary for a 17-year-old in 1989. I also had paid holiday, a uniform and all the other perks in a paid role, e.g. free drinks; invitations to Christmas parties and other celebrations. It was fun and good for my #MentalHealth.

Although I was made redundant from that role, due to relocation of offices, I still fulfilled my desire to write.

At times my dreams were squashed again and again, but over time, I began to write again and again. These included articles for magazines and newspapers. I love to write. I love to communicate.

I have big dreams and these dreams are being kept alive by doing something every day to realise these.

So, what am I saying here?

Never give up on your dreams.

Make them big and give them life by focusing on them every day. I have huge dreams, huge, and the bigger they are, the more likely I am to achieve and fulfil them.

· It doesn’t matter what other people say, know in your heart, that your dreams are achievable.

· Each day take little steps to make these dreams a reality.

· Your creed, colour, race, gender, financial status or environment should never be an excuse or obstacle to not pursue your dreams.

· Being a victim of your past will keep you a victim of your future.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes as the journey in getting there is what matters. It’s during this journey you will learn about yourself and how you respond to the world around you.

I dream of being a published author and I have every ounce of self-belief to Be this and Own this. I am currently writing 2 books and keeping the flow going with all my other responsibilities.

If I can close on some advice, then it’s this:

· Find yourself a Mentor/Coach who believes in you. Someone like me who will guide and support you and help your realistically achieve your dreams.

Why? I have helped many people, like you, to release the blocks, fears, negative beliefs and resistance to fulfil their dreams. I help people every day to realign to their Truth and I am happy to help you too.

Dream Big. Work towards achieving your dreams. And know anything is possible.

I believe in you.

With love and grace



Realignment Coach/Mentor

Realigning You to Your True and Authentic Self

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