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Let's Begin

You want change


The world is changing, and so are you. The way you interact, connect, communicate, and live is changing.


You are a woman who wants more.


You were born into an old system which is breaking down, and with this, so is your identity.


You want change, but you don't know how this may look, feel or sound like.


You're at a crossroads.


You want freedom.


You want fulfillment.


You want to feel alive and joyful.


You want to be you.


But something is stopping you from making these changes.


You feel stuck.


You feel unseen.








You feel lost. 


You feel burdened.


You feel trapped. 


You need someone who understands your plight, and wants to support your journey.


You know something has to change.


You can't see the full picture.


A voice is calling you from within.


You know a new you is waiting for you.


And, you know you need to take the next step.


You also know the next step is now.



Beautiful Landscape

Holding the space


As a heart-centred being of love, I hold the space for those parts of you that are hidden and waiting to be revealed. The parts of you that already have the answers and know what to do.


I listen to you and hear what's unspoken.


I see you and your blind spots and keep you on track.


I double-check your map and remind you, you are safe and held in your vulnerability.


I empower you in identifying and transmuting the blocks and hidden stories that are holding you back from realising your potenetial.


We embark on a journey to release the old identities and stories that are no longer aligned and embody the beauty of you.


I have the extended capacity to hold the quantum field for you to access your inner wisdom.


This is pure gold.


Love is the Key.


Are you ready for a life of joy and fulfillment?


Are you ready to map out a new reality knowing you are never alone and held with grace?


Are you ready to realise and integrate your higher potential and feel the freedom this brings you?


Are you ready to take a leap of faith and take the steps to carve a future designed by you?





We curate your organic journey from where you are now by using your golden compass to navigate through the areas that need illumination and recognition.


It all begins with you.



My Journey of Self-Love


I was born in England, UK, into a Panjabi family and raised with the Sikh faith.


My parents were immigrants and traveled to England in the 1960s with the dreams of a better life for their family. 


As a highyl sensitive and empathic child, I couldn't fit into that family and had experienced a traumatic, abusive, and dysfunctional childhood.


Neither could I fit into the world, as it all seemed painful, controlling, limiting, confusing, and full of separation.


I wasn't born to conform, I was born to #bethechange. And so I took a leap of faith, trusting the messages from my body, and left home at the age of 22 to embark on a journey of self-discovery.


In 2005, I was lying in a hospital bed and was told I would never be a biological Mother.  My whole world fell apart.  I had always wanted to be a Mum, to raise, and love a child in their innocence and beauty.


I had a choice. I could either listen to the Consultant or take back my power and transform my life.


No one was going to tell me I couldn't or wouldn't be a biological Mum! I reclaimed my power.


My body had experienced an ovarian cystectomy, and this became a catalyst to a path of conscious self-love and awareness. Here, I delved deep into energy medicine, training in many different energetic practices. I also trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Mentoring, and Pre-Egyptian Shamanism to name a few.


These practices were tools to expand my consciousness further and embody more of my own Light.


Alongside these, I became more deeply attuned to my body, always following my intuition, and inner impulses to act where I was being guided.


When my Father passed in 2016, my life changed again.


Menopause kicked in, and I felt abandoned and lost.  It was during menopause, which can be referred to as the 'Dark Night of the Soul', that the deeper transformation and healing took place. I had, like many, built my life around my Father's patterns, structures, and aspirations. I had also carried much feminine wounding from my Mother's line.


The Menopause was an inner defragmentation and alchemical reconfiguration to a new authentic me. Like the journey of the caterpillar to the butterfly.


It was a conscious journey of witnessing my vulnerability which included compassion, self-care, discernment, trust, courage, and deep transformation. I began to activate my voice after a lifetime of being suppressed, oppressed and repressed.​


Through a deeper understanding of how ancestral and personal patterns, negative conditioning and programmes, belief systems, trauma, abuse, negative self-talk, non-physical interference, can control our lives, I draw upon universal wisdom, my skills in business, and personal development, and join the dots for greater liberation, joy, and peace.


I help rebuild structures by sowing seeds and laying the foundations for a sustainable way of being. We are all interconnected through the power of Love and nature shows us our interdependence for thriving.


Nothing is fixed, and anything can be transformed/transmuted, we all have the power of Love within us and we all deserve to be happy.


I live in Somerset, UK, with my Son, and I love singing, writing, music, reading, walking, eating good food, growing food, and dogs.






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Why work with me?

Why work with Kamaljit?


From the moment we make a connection, the transformation begins.


We have an introductory deep-dive call, so we can get a feel for each other, and build a rapport as our journey together is built on trust.


I meet you where you are at with no judgement, only compassion, empathy, care and love.


I offer an indication of what feels like the best way forward for you, and if this resonates, we proceed on a chosen program or session.


During your session, I open the space for what needs to unfold organically to surface. I may ask questions, while listening to what is not being spoken or heard.


I gauge a bigger picture, and we begin to unravel the entanglement of what is no longer in alignment with your authentic self.


You create your shifts.​


​I hold your hand and remind you, you are loved, that change is the only constant, and that it is okay to include yourself in your life. It is your birthright to be happy.


I hold the space throughout your journey with me, and offer a check-in call in-between sessions, together with additional support.


You Matter to Me, and I offer the whole of me. This means, I have cleared the space around your session, and am fully present with you.





















I take 12 clients on a month, and this ensures I am not depleted and offer each of my clients the same level of love, care and compassion.


My work has always been about our future generations, and offering them a landscape for freedom, and authenticity so they too can share their innate gifts and wisdom for all inhabitants on earth to thrive and express Love.


Let’s talk about Love.


Connect with me for your free deep-dive discovery call and how best we can support your journey for greater Freedom, and Joy.


Disclaimer: Her clients experience great results and joy from the work they do together, however, please note, she is not a medical practitioner and clients are advised the work they do together, does not replace medical attention.

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I am super excited to share my podcasts with you.


Each episode is unique to each guest who share their personal stories.


Together we explore their journey and how they navigated lifes challenges, struggles and curve balls to redesign their life through their authentic expression, to experience more freedom, peace and joy.


The podcasts include nuggets of wisdom, insights and real life experiences that offer inspiration, hope and faith that there is a way to transform your life.

Please show your appreciation by making a love donation
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Your Investment

Your heart already knows you are ready for change, and you already know change begins with you. Taking the first steps in redesigning your life takes a leap of faith, courage, and trust.

Individual sessions are either 60, 90, or 120 minutes, or, 3, 6, or 9-month bespoke journey's, and are mostly via whereby or telegram. 

From time to time, I offer my gifts for free or by donation, and you will see below that my work is accessible, and if you feel you can and would like to add a top-up at any point, please feel free to do so. This will enable me to offer a reduced or free session to someone who hasn't the resources right now.

You may see the results of our work together instantly, or it may take a few days or even weeks to integrate. I wholly trust you will get what you need.

It is my honour to be of service and facilitate your transformation, as your transformation creates a ripple effect on those who came before you, those around you and those who come after you.

Payments are via BACS, prior to your session and all sales are final. All details are confirmed during your Free 20 minute Discovery Call.

Bespoke Journey

These bespoke journey's are consciously designed and curated for a more intimate and 1:1 connection, where we unravel the deeper unresolved challenges. I hold the space for the duration of this journey for you to identify, release, realign, integrate, and awaken to the multidimensional aspects of you. It is juicy!
Payment plans are available - I trust your integrity.

I have always sought to find a credible healer who is also genuine. I found both these qualities in Kam.

The path to understanding much is eventually beginning at the ripe age of 69! Kam’s gifts and guidance, have opened a doorway to allow shafts of light leading to peace, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Mrs Khan


© 2022 Quantum Transformations

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